What is the best way forward for Indie Authors for publication?
Part Two - In his last post Rik covered Traditional and Vanity publishing, now he looks at Self Publishing.
Rik and Linda are a husband and wife Author team with numerous years experience within all aspects of Authorship - AND Rik was kind enough to volunteer the time to put it into print for us - Thank You!
Some simple thoughts on publishing
your own works.
Point one – You
can do it! Honest.
Point two – If
you can’t do it all, remember this adage:
“Do what you do best and what you
love, hire out the rest.”
So, what are the
The steps are simple:
Write a great story
Re-write, tear it apart, put it back together,
edit, proof, spell check and polish.
Send it to beta readers. And wait.
Gently remind the beta readers.
Re-write, tear it apart again, put it back together,
edit, proof, spell check and re-polish.
Have it professionally edited. There are lots of
steps that you can do yourself; this is not one of them. Sorry. An author
cannot edit their own work. You are too close to it. When you read it you will
see what you thought you wrote, not what is actually there. Editing will cost
you between $1.00 and $2.50 a page. And it is well worth every penny.
Go over it again, more than likely accepting
most of what your professional editor suggests.
Format your book. If you choose to format it
yourself – you really need to read the next blog – Part Three – Formatting. Formatting for a normal novel for one
eVersion file and a POD (Print on Demand) version file using my services will
run you between $75 and $500, depending upon who you hire. Many will charge much
more because they think you are willing to pay more. Shop around! Good guaranteed
work should cost you less than $100. Now, if your work is non-fiction or has
numerous formatting challenges, it might cost a little more. And, reasonable
fixes should be free.
Get, buy, hire or make a great cover. Having one
produced can be as little as $40 or $50 dollars and can easily run ten times
that much if you choose to do so.
10. Choose
a vendor. Create the appropriate accounts and PUBLISH!!!!
11. Have
a party, do a Snoopy Dance, make a toast, hug your cat and do all the other
wonderfully silly things authors do when they first see their work on Amazon or
hold a print version.
12. Cross
your fingers.
Making “The
Bigs” is as much luck, providence, God’s will, or whatever phrase you choose.
Steps one through ten above, if done wrong will stop you from making “The
Bigs”, but doing them all perfectly will not guarantee that your book will be a
hit. Readers are fickle people. It is one of those things where being in the
right place at the right time can make or break it.
If Oprah (or someone like her) picks up your book and likes
it – instant millionaire.
If a Rock Star picks it up and likes it and mentions it in
one of their songs - instant millionaire.
“Help, I need somebody Help, not just anybody…”
The Beatles recorded Help
on my 19th birthday in 1965. And we all need somebody at some point.
So, who do you need?
You sure can use some help with encouragement. A significant other, a
parent, a child, a support group. Now, I am not talking about AA here, but I am
talking about any number of great Writer’s Groups, both face to face and
virtual. And while the virtual groups are nice, a face-to-face, we meet the
second Tuesday of each month, we read and critique without rancor each other’s
works, we nourish and help each other … That kind of group
is important.
You can use help with beta readers. Those are the people, who, for whatever reason, are
willing to read your WIP (work in progress) and tell you what they think.
Hopefully in a timely manner, hopefully kindly and hopefully they will say more
than just, “Great book, I couldn’t put it down.” Beta readers can be a great help.
covers – here is where some of the great virtual writer’s groups can help.
One such group is the Indie Author Group on FaceBook.
Many of these great FB groups have files where people list their services for you. Again – shop around, ask lots of questions and get the cover that you really like, that speak to you, no, that SINGS to you. You can’t judge a book by its cover, but a great cover really does help.
Many of these great FB groups have files where people list their services for you. Again – shop around, ask lots of questions and get the cover that you really like, that speak to you, no, that SINGS to you. You can’t judge a book by its cover, but a great cover really does help.
– this one is great because there are so many options. And yes – here is a
place where virtual groups can again help. Here’s my advice:
Where to put your eBooks
(Amazon) KDP - You put it here directly yourself. You need the document, the
cover and a KDP account. You do not need an ISBN (Amazon uses an ASBN of their
own) You get a royalty once a month with day by day sales reports view-able.
You also get the chance if you wish of using their exclusive KDP Select
(SW) - putting your book here, you can let your book be distributed to: Sony,
Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Apple, Diesel, Page Foundry, Baker-Taylor’s Blio,
Library Direct and Baker-Taylor’s Axis360. They do not distribute it to Amazon.
You get a royalty once a quarter. You need: the document, the cover and unique
ISBN for the digital version (not a print version ISBN) and an account at
SmashWords. SW will assign a free ISBN if you want. If you are an author outside of the USA, you
can probably get free ISBNs from your own government.
and Noble - if you wish, you can distribute directly to B&N. You need:
the document, the cover, the same unique ISBN as you used at SW (not a print
version ISBN) and an account at Barnes and Noble (called an ePub account). You
get a royalty once a month with day by day sales reports view-able.
- - if you wish, you can distribute
directly to Kobo. (KWL - Kobo Writing Life). You need: the document, the cover,
the same unique ISBN as you used at SW (not a print version ISBN) and an
account with Kobo. You get a royalty once a month.
If you just go with SW and Amazon life is
very simple.
All of these vendors have great websites and great support which will really help you.
All of these vendors have great websites and great support which will really help you.
And remember – these vendors are fluid, more are
coming up, some are dying off – you just have to go with the flow.
Point Three –this
is just beginning. Please remember Point One. Go back up and re-read it. You can do it, with just a little help from your friends. (Beatles, 1967)
Just Rik's morning coffee thoughts ...
Bio – Rik is married to Linda, an author. Rik and Linda met
44 years ago in the student newspaper offices at a college in Chicago. Linda
was writing then, Linda still writes (http://WriterHall.com)
Other than checking out potential lady friends, Rik mostly
just hung around the office, wrote a few headlines and tried to look busy. The
next Christmas they were married. Forty-four years later Linda has more than 25
works published, both traditionally and by self-publication. Rik is a
sort-of-retired educator. Today Rik provides educational technology support to
a local university, formats books for authors (http://RikHall.com),
is a professional Magician (http://RikHall.com/magic)
and spends as much time with Linda on their boat, Mystery, with their cat
Captain Hook, as they can. They have two children and seven grandchildren.
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