How and Why I Write Book Reviews
on Amazon - Margaret Chrisawn
I am really chuffed that Margaret agreed to provide an insight into her approach to reviewing a book. I have read a lot of Margarets reviews and will say that, in my opinion, here is a person that knows exactly what she likes in a book, has very high expectations of the structure and the content and is very VERY knowledgeable of the historical period in which she reads. So much so that if I were writing a Napoleonic period fiction I would be signing her up as a research resource! One of the many aspects of her reviews that I find outstanding is that she doesn't just say things, she proves them!
- here's the problem, here are the examples of the problem, here is the remedy -
And she is fair, although she doesn't suffer fools.
I read and review historical
fiction, with rare forays into other types of fiction. My reviewing “style”
doesn’t rely on plot synopses, analyses of the characters and their conflicts
and motivation, action versus description, and similar issues. If you’re
reading a historical novel about Marie-Antoinette, for example, I don’t need to
recount her life story in my review of a book about her. The same is true for
Anne Boleyn, Richard III, or Josephine Bonaparte. What I do need to comment on in a review is the use of history in the
novel; the degree of understanding of political, social, economic, and cultural
features and whether they are portrayed convincingly throughout; and dialogue
among the characters, how they think, speak, and react in their historical world.
These are critical points for me, although I admit I‘ve been criticized by
folks who screech “It’s fiction, after all, just a novel! Lighten up!” I also
admit reading reviews praising an author for using modern language and modern
terms throughout a book because “it makes it easier to read and more relevant
for today.” I believe both points of view are spectacularly silly with regard
to historical fiction. If a reader wants to read a novel with modern language
and relevancy, why on earth read a novel about Catherine the Great, the Wars of
the Roses, or about any man, woman, or child who lived before 1950?
So I write reviews based on what
I would like to read in a review. I want to know whether a book will be
enjoyable, a fairly decent read, or one to avoid at all costs. It’s not enough
to read generic phrases such as “Couldn’t put it down!” or “Fast-paced and
exciting,” or “Really put me right there in the 14th century,” or
“Too descriptive and slow” or “Poorly written.” None of those examples tells me
anything remotely useful besides the reviewer’s opinion, brief though it is.
I prefer to let a book speak for
itself. That approach removes my review from the realm of pure subjectivity to
that of greater objectivity because I use quotes liberally to bolster a specific
point I’m making. If the historical facts are wrong, I’ll use quotes that
demonstrate the errors. If the book is replete with anachronisms, I’ll show
what they are, and not simply one or two but many, particularly the
in-your-face examples. The same is true
for dialogue, which is difficult enough in contemporary fiction, but a
potential nightmare for the inept. Historical fiction dialogue often ranges
from the hackneyed “forsoothly” speech patterns to indicate Ye Olde World to
the 21st century young adult speech or my personal favorite,
Tweet-Speak. I will always provide a multitude of examples of Bad Dialogue,
just so a reader won’t accuse me of making anything up. Then there are other
factors that constitute the difference between good and bad historical
fiction—use of language other than English, a veritable sinkhole for many an
author, and the social and cultural environment that dictates who sits when and
on what, or wears which gown to what function, or how much a newspaper costs in
the currency of the day, or how one prepares rabbits or fowl on a spit in an
open fireplace, or what vegetables and grains were available when and where.
All these examples are what distinguishes historical fiction from other genres,
and what makes a particular book unique to the period in which it takes place.
If an author ignores any of these examples, or plays fast and loose with them,
then he or she deserves to have this failure noted.
As a result of this self-imposed
attention to detail, I often get carried away and write lengthy reviews. Most
people would see that long parade of paragraphs and click on a review that has
but a single paragraph with a sigh of relief. I’m fine with that, because I’m
writing for the few—or the many, even—who might want to know beyond a doubt
what is good, bad, and middling about a work of historical fiction before
investing their time and money in said book. And I get slammed sometimes for my
negative reviews by fans of the author or the book, which bothers me not at
all. I also have been yelled at by authors whose skins were perhaps not as
thick as they should be, and that certainly bothers me even less. Regardless of
the feedback—and the majority is extremely positive—I will write reviews for
readers like me, who truly want to know what’s what. The time and effort
required to do so is worth it.
See a selection of Maragrets reviews here
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