Sunday, February 8, 2015

More of that two-way review thing....

Mentioned a few posts back-a-ways, I uncovered the secret of the universe (or at least the universe of reviews). 'Help yourself by helping others' - a simple concept. And I'll give a shout out to 'Book Vetter' for reminding me of this basic ideology.

I also mentioned that I had started to read and review on that site to (hopefully) help other Authors. I don't have any qualifications as a 'Reviewer' but I figure I don't actually need any qualifications - If I read a book, and I like it, I may as well tell people about it. If I read a book and don't like it? Well, I'm not into slating other Authors so I'll just list the title as a 'heads up' BUT just because I don't like it, doesn't mean others won't.

Also, I'm not opening a 'review site' as such, just a page on my website titled 'Other Reading'. IF I can work out how I'll also start showing the books that I have reviewed in the columns on here, but that may take me a little while.

Of course, some will be asking "why am I doing this?" - well, for no other reason than I can. It may not help anybody at all, no-one may even see the reviews, but if there is the slightest chance that I can give anyone a hand up in a very cutthroat, complicated and confusing industry that is Authordom, then why the bloody hell not.

I have been really lucky, I've found support from people that were complete strangers, and had advice from others that are of the same mind set as me, so whilst I've got the opportunity to help, I'm up for it.

You won't find mainstream authors on the 'Other Reading' page, I reckon they've got enough going their way; it's primarily Indie/Small published authors. Also, I'm not a particularly fast reader (with all else that is going on in my life I'm afraid time is a real commodity), but if you fancy a gander, a decent book to read from Authors you have probably never heard of, pop along - 'Other Reading

See you there!

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