OK - here is the latest review for Russian Redemption, posted today. Up to this point all of the other reviews have been four or five stars - shock, horror - a THREE star review. Is this a 'woo' or a 'wonderful'?
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Russian Redemption (Kindle Edition)
The other reviewers have already covered the synopsis so no point in my rehashing. In all honesty I couldn't rate this novel above the three stars. I couldn't quite become as invested in the characters as others have done, I really didn't get any depth of emotion from them with the exception of the young woman Yarna. There was quite a lot of action/adventure scenes but not character development to make me feel invested in them as characters with a story to tell.
At times I felt this bordered on the horror genre, The mad, psychotic "Doctor" and his experimentation didn't quite ring true to me.
It is dark, violent and graphic in parts and certainly not for the squeamish due to the atrocities committed during a time of conflict.
I did feel that the dialogue to this novel also had a modern slant to it at times and didn't always gel with me.
However that's not to say that there aren't any positives to the story because I did like the premise behind the novel. I thought it had definite possibilities for a first novel. The craftmanship is there and I've no doubt based on this story that the author will get only get better and better. The novel is certainly well edited and if I recall correctly I only encountered one typo and that was "sheer" instead of "shear"
At times I felt this bordered on the horror genre, The mad, psychotic "Doctor" and his experimentation didn't quite ring true to me.
It is dark, violent and graphic in parts and certainly not for the squeamish due to the atrocities committed during a time of conflict.
I did feel that the dialogue to this novel also had a modern slant to it at times and didn't always gel with me.
However that's not to say that there aren't any positives to the story because I did like the premise behind the novel. I thought it had definite possibilities for a first novel. The craftmanship is there and I've no doubt based on this story that the author will get only get better and better. The novel is certainly well edited and if I recall correctly I only encountered one typo and that was "sheer" instead of "shear"
Without wishing to sound at all disrespectful to the other four & five star reviews it has received, this is a great review for me. Why? Well, mainly because it is observant, constructive, honest and gives me areas to work on.
There will never be a book that is loved by everyone - and that's just a fact. From this review I can see that he/she has taken the time to read my book, and that it has stimulated enough interest for them to have an opinion, and have cared enough to post their review. For me this is a huge tick. Whilst reviews are supposedly for would-be readers, this person has also taken the time to highlight a few 'weaknesses' in my writing. I can completely understand the points made, and probably agree with most of them, but what they have done is give me some direction. This is a massive bonus for me. As an Indie Author with absolutely no formal training in the art of writing, it's very easy to wander aimlessly in the proverbial wilderness. Four and five star reviews are great, they give me a warm fuzzy feeling, but there is so much suspicion around these that it seems most readers actually ignore them (the supposition being that they are from family or friends).
I also found this review to be very encouraging, it tells me that it's not perfect but, in the same breath, tells me that this educated and experienced individual sees promise in my writing - what more could I ask for?!
If you spend time on the Amazon forums you'll see that some 'Authors' consider 3 star reviews as detractors, I don't get that, especially when they are as constructive as this one. At the end of the day I am not arrogant enough to believe I know everything. In my mind I am only just starting this journey and welcome all feedback, it is the only way I am going to hone my craft! Writing is a passion, I want as many people as possible to enjoy my stories, so reviews like this are worth their weight in gold to me.
I'd also like to mention Judi of Proofreadnz and Santelepublishing - she is the one that deserves the credit for the reviewers observation "The novel is certainly well edited..." another person worth their weight in gold!
So, Cphe and Judi, THANK YOU!
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