Blog hop/tour with a difference....
A 'blog hop' or 'Blog Tour' is where another author invites you to write a piece around the 'writing process' deemed to be informative about you as a person, and what you're up to, why you do what you do and so on. It's a privilege to be invited, and I would like to thank Gwen Dandridge for extending the opportunity to me. However, in true Wilson form, I'm gonna be different, I just can't help myself.
Well that's not entirely true: Gwen has a number of books published in the Fantasy & Young Adult genres, with another five listed as 'works in progress', to some that may not seem a huge amount, but for me that's pretty prolific. It kind of puts it in perspective when I sit looking at my......... one! So I'm not so sure I'm the right person to be telling people about a 'writing process' because I myself am pretty much in it's infancy.
So, I thought I would do a bit of looking around, find a few Authors that have spoken about their own experiences as writers and see if there are any gems there that can offer an alternative opinion, or re-enforce some of what I've experienced. This is outside of my newly installed Wednesday feature of "Guest Author Post' - A little detour.
Please have a look at Gwen's blog and website to see how she has tackled her 'writers life', and note the answers to her 'Blog Hop' questions.
The next person's Blog I'd recommend visiting is Pete Morin's. Pete is a legal bod (no detriment intended). His approach to writing is poles apart from mine, he is organised, meticulous in detail and loves 'word art', by that I mean he has a skill with words, he can paint intricate pictures with his vocabulary. In the old day's I believe it was referred to as 'wordsmithing' BUT that doesn't go half way to describing just how well Pete does it. He is also passionate about music, that probably explains a bit, and he writes from his heart, which kind of surprises me as I have lived with the understanding that to be a success in any legal field you must give up your heart! (Sorry Pete). Check out his 'Indie Novels and Cheap Wine' post. And if you need further proof that a man of such legal standing can have a sense of humour, Pete's book 'Diary of a Small Fish' will prove it.
He's also one of the names on my Guest Authors (to get) list.
For a completely different take on the life of a writer/reviewer visit Adrian McKinty's blog, in particular 'The 8 Rules of Literary Success or why you will never make a living as an Author' Adrian is very direct and funny, but always with a valuable 'message'.
Another Blog worth your time is that of B C Laybolt, specifically 'Of decisions Indie'
There are loads more that I could recommend but I don't want to reveal the list of 'Guests' I've coerced into providing a post here - sometimes good old fashioned blackmail works. :-)
By the way - visit my own website whilst you're surfing!
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