A simplistic snap shot of the world ...
Firstly, I want to play a game - the following statements were made by the most powerful people and/or governments in the world. Each correct statement earns a bonus point.
Hanger 51 is a myth.
Iraq has WMD's.
I did not have sexual relations with girl!
We have not sent troops to support, and fight with, the rebels in Eastern Ukraine.
MH17 was not shot down by a Russian BUK missile.
All of those dead Russian soldiers that have been brought back from Ukraine were there on holiday.
Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone in the assassination of JFK
Cruise missiles aimed at targets in Syria are fired from the Caspian Sea; American Intelligence services report that four missiles fell on civilian sites in Iran, yet Iran doesn't protest or confirm it; Russia says ALL missiles achieved their targets. The only scenario that allows all parties to be telling the truth is that those four missiles were programmed to hit targets inside Iran, as requested by the Iranian government? I'm not sure if that is more unnerving that the only other conclusion - one of them is telling lies.
Let's revisit the list:
Hanger 51 is a myth. - No it isn't, the world knows this as a fact.
Iraq has WMD's. - No it hasn't (or didn't at the time).
I did not have sexual relations with girl! - Oh yes you did - fact!
We have not sent troops to support, and fight with, the rebels in Eastern Ukraine. - Oh yes you have - fact.
MH17 was not shot down by a Russian BUK missile. - Oh yes it was - fact
All of those dead Russian soldiers that have been brought back from Ukraine were there on holiday. - Really, and they all took their company vehicles with them?! Wrong - fact
Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone in the assassination of JFK - Oh no he didn't - fact
So, based on the above examples, who can you trust? Who should you trust? I'm only posing the question - the answer has to be an individual choice.
And now there is a new dilemma - I.S - suddenly this group are responsible for a global shift in demographics and power. A Trojan Horse of refugees, the destabilizing of stocks and shares, and the sickening rise of extreme racism - all selectively brought to us through the power and control of the internet - is a very dangerous (but tactically genius) contrived offensive. It's not that we're too trusting, it's that we are so consumed with our own little world that we've ignored the big picture ... is it too late? Dunno, I guess we'll find out soon enough.